Blogging is a fun and creative way to express your thoughts on a given topic. There are lots of howtos on the web about writing a blog but I thought that I would offer a couple of tips to help you out.

  1. Commit. Blogging doesn’t take a lot of time, but it does take a bit of commitment. If you have gone toa blog that the latest post is in 2009, it doesn’t really help in your interest. You don’t have to hit in everyday to start but once a week is a good beginning. Espeicially for business, if you have a blog link on your main navigation and it leads to one post … “Hello World”, that doesn’t look great, take it down, commit or don’t.
  2. You can easily set up a blog on our servers through fantastico, or one of the automated scripts in the Cpanel (Control Panel). This gives you the custom URL you may be looking for.
  3. Set it up two ways:
    1. You can do it your self like the above and pull in a free template (Use wordpress it is highly customizable and pretty easy to set up).
    2. Hire a professional designer to set up your blog template for you. (Like me).
  • A 20 Minute Video Tutorial: This tutorial by Michael Hyatt is awesome, comprehensive, and easy to understand.
  • This 29 Part (short!) Video Series: Amy of Blogging with Amy does a great job here of breaking up a longer process (even if it is only 20 minutes!) into smaller chunks, so that if you don’t need all the steps, you can skip that video.
  • This site offers great ideas on what to discuss, how to do it properly. Their ebook is a good read for setting out too.