One of the great low-cost options for parish or church websites, is to add a PayPal donate button. You can use this for online donations, or for that small push for a specific cause.
PayPal has kind of buried the Donation buttons, at least in their old design.
Here is how to get to it.
Step 1: Login or Setup your PayPal Account
Log into your PayPal Account.
Step 2: Where to Find the PayPal Donate Button Options
Under My Account tools, you can click on My Business Setup.
Step 3: PayPal’s Button Options
You can find the Donate Now button under the ‘Set up my payment solution’. Create your payment button.
There are lots of different buttons, click on the Donate one to start to customize it.
Step 4: PayPal’s Donate Now Button Options
You can use your own button image, but may people recognize the PayPal buttons. Familiarity will help you with visitors feeling comfortable in click on the link.
An important option is to add in a DonationID, this will help if you have multiple campaigns, and allow you to sort out where the most effective buttons are located on your site.
Step 5: Final Options for the PayPal Donate Button
If they cancel before the end, bring them back to a NEW landing page, with a quick pitch and an option to donate again, along with ANOTHER method of making a donation. Put your phone number, address, and the donate button.
Once you click on ‘Create Button’ it will give you the code to copy and paste into your site pages.